The Search for History Buddies

I’ve been fascinated by history for years. I listen to podcasts and audiobooks. I watch documentaries and Youtube videos. The list of history blogs I follow is slowly growing.

 Blogging has changed that. History has grown from a pure fascination to genuine pursuit. I am working on history projects and have a list of historical sites I want to visit. I am building on my writing skills and learning how to create infographics. The pursuit is getting real!

I decided it is time to go to the next step. I want to go from a solitary pursuit to a group activity. It is time to find some history buddies! Fellow travelers on the same journey.

I want to interact with people in person. (More fund than online forums.) I thought I would give a try. A quick search for “history” within a 25-mile radius of my home in Fairfax County, Virginia. The query returned 14 meetup groups. Far more than I thought I would get. Three examples of the groups I saw are:

  1. History Buffs Book Discussion and Activity Group – 1,295 members
  2. Explorers: Washington DC Museum/Art/History – 2,019 members
  3. DC History & Culture: Embassy Events & Museum Meetups – 8,872 members

All museums and cultural sites are close now due to COVID-19. Most meetup groups have suspended operations or moved to virtual meetups. I don’t think I’ll have to wait long to interact with fellow history buffs. I have seen several of the sites on my list post their re-opening dates. Future meetups will start soon.

Do you attend meetups?

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Find Travel Buddies

silhouette photography of group of people jumping during golden time
Photo by Belle Co on

My wife and I travel together and, we love it! An excellent trip for us is a long drive with a good audio-book and scenic views. We’re over the moon if we have a couple interesting of places to visit and a good meal at the destination. I maintain a list of places to go. When ever we have a weekend with no commitments, we’re in the car going somewhere! It’s about spending quality time together and building memories!

I have a lot of single friends who rarely travel because, well … they’re single. If you’re actively dating, this may not be a problem. Dating and travel go great together in the advanced stages. If you’re not dating and you hate to travel along, then it’s pizza time in front of the TV.

Not married. Not dating. Find travel buddies! I thought I would test my theory that it’s easy to find and make new friends. New friends who like to travel. is a site you can use to find people with the same interests. I set the location to a zip code in Fairfax County, VA and did a search for 25 miles in any direction. I used the search term “day trips.” 249 meetup groups came up! That’s 249 groups of people who sometimes travel together. You can also try a search for “travel,” “weekend getaways” or “weekend adventure.”

Pick a group. Join. Make new friends … and start traveling!

Thanks for reading CAPM and More!